Port Arthur Historic Site is a must visit place for tourist in Tasmania and people who love to understand convict history. Settlement at Port Arthur was started in 1830 and was second occupied settlement after Sydney.
The site is actually some couple of hours away from Hobart and goes through some scenic highway. The entrance has been lot commercialized now with all necessary shops but when you enter the place you will feel like you have gone back into time with some historic houses still preserved in Victorian style. The actual prison although the roof and first floor fallen still remains in a very good condition to examine those times.
They will take you on boat tour around the water and will show you some of the important sites from the water.

How GPS coordinates work.

Why I use GPS Coordinates instead of address-
I prefer to use addresses as a guide but not every location in the world is named and sometimes I got confused if I try to visit the same location again. GPS Coordinates are designed in such a way that location cant be duplicated by name. By Using GPS Coordinates the same location marked on the map can be visited again to high accuracy.

How to use GPS Coordinates-
On Google Maps, copy and enter the coordinates into the search box (where address is entered) and enter the search. You’ll then see a pin on the map for the spot with its coordinates. Swipe up from the bottom to obtain directions or take another action on the location.

Disclaimer: All the locations are marked as best of my knowledge and experience and should only be used as a guide only (for legal reasons I don’t take any responsibility for their accuracy.), please refer to the local authorities website for updated information.
Although coordinates provided, still many factors such as landslides, flood etc can restrict/block the access or finding the same location. Please refer to Local Authorities websites for updated information.